which is han chiang college..
today was my 2nd day of college,not really having fun because i got 2 fucking assignment, and the last class was human comm which each of everyone in the class have to do a presentations in front which 3 topic which is About myself , why i take mass comm courses and last but not less latest movie that i watch. Alright! shall i start.. i was pick by the 1st person which is ah miao(new fren) i think,so im the 2nd person,i came out with blank mind+Nervous, i never did that before so it wack..! i just bla bla bla out i think about 1 or 2 min then i sat down.supposed to bla 3 min.
who care! yea ! WHO CARES!
and back in 20 of aug i won the bboy of the month which held at Queensbay mall infront of fish spa..
that was nice.. but apparently dont hav any video because no one record it,just got a few photo nee.. i wish i hav the photo.Got Form wey that day.. but tired like hell! almost vomit and blackout.. i think i really have to smoke less already.. everyone was like, " Eh, u ok bo?.. ur lips turn white d" . lol.. because i tiebreaker about 7 or 8 times already..
so at the end the result was announced my heart slowly pump slower.. if not im gonna faint men..
here's some pic of me during that day