"Foundation is the combination of the mental approach, philosophies, the attitude,
the rhythm, style and character combined with the move.
Foundation is not moves, people think that " Oh I got Foundation" and they throw a little
sweep and do a swipes and do a little thing you know chair freeze and says
I got Foundation, but Foundation isn't a move. Foundation is the ability to understand,
making connection with the song and expressing the attitude and putting the flavor on to the
move. You don't put the flavor to the move then it's not Foundation. So Foundation to me is
the attitude in the move combined, the whole package. People think Foundation is just moves. Foundation moves are the actual first moves the Bboys did in the 70's.
There are moves that can be considered as Foundation moves,
but no move can be a Foundation move unless it has style on it because if you do a move
with no style and no flavor, that's just whack! That's not Foundation, Foundation is
the combination of the attitude, the understanding of the song and then putting that on top
of the Top Rock, on top of the move and on top of who you are. That's what Foundation is. "
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